Have you ever noticed that each time you look at the clock, the time is either 4:44 AM or 4:44 PM? Its weird, but I always have that experience. I keep on asking my friends, "what is the meaning of 444?", but they too, don't know the answer. I know there is a meaning of this because my experience with it is not usual. I usually sleep with my phone on my side, and most of the time I wake up at 4:44 AM on my phone's clock. I am actually not using an alarm, but I can feel that someone is waking me up at that time.
Last night, my phone was out of the battery. I thought I can't experience that strange time. This morning, from my bed, I rushed to the toilet because I really wanted to pee. When I went back to my room, I noticed that the wall clock stroked at 4:44 AM. It was really weird.
This afternoon, I spent the whole time watching TV. Because I don’t want to bother myself with that strange time, I pulled off the wall clock in our living room and putted it inside the cabinet upside down. All of the sudden, a random number messaged me on my phone. I actually didn't mind the message since it was an invitation for a job interview. I knew I don’t need it since I have a good job at the moment. When I opened my phone back after an hour or more, I noticed that the message was received at 4:44 PM.
I really don’t know the meaning of these numbers. It makes me paranoid. Can someone tell me “what’s the meaning of 444? “